Friday, May 23, 2014

Ariel, The Little Mermaid

Snow meets Ariel while on the run from the evil kings men, when Snow jumps of the cliff into the water Ariel saves her life. In order for Snow to pay the mermaid back she decides to help her find her true love. Ariel mentions that she has had love at first sight with this man named Eric. Whom she had rescued from a shipwreck. Rescuing people is something she defines as one of her hobbies. Since he was unconscious when she saved him, she wasn't sure if he seen her face but she feel in love with him. In this version of The Little Mermaid, Ursula is the goddess of the sea and is not referred to as particularly evil. In fact, every big tide she grants mermaids the chance to have real legs for 12 hours when their tail touches the ground. Snow White decides to help Ariel get to this ball that he prince is hosting so that she could have the chance to meet him. When she gets to this ball she meets her prince and finds out that he has fallen in love with her also. Both, the prince and Ariel admit into wanting to explore the world. The Prince gives Ariel the choice to meet him in the morning by the dock so that they can go on their adventure together. Ariel is skeptical about telling Prince Eric the truth because she thinks that he might not accept her if he found out that she was a mermaid. She goes to the sea and talks to it as if it were Queen Ursula, Goddess of the sea herself. Since Ursula is a myth in this story, the Evil Queen (Regina) pretends to be the goddess, and tricks Ariel into trapping Snow so that Regina can kill her.

Instead of going on and choosing her love life, Ariel decides to help Snow escape once again. She swims off with Snow. When Snow and Ariel get far enough from the Evil Queen, Snow tells Ariel to go back and find her Prince. When Ariel returns as a mermaid her prince is there but she is unable to speak. The Evil Queen takes away Ariel's voice, so that she will never know if the Prince would have loved her and accepted her being  a mermaid at all. As she insults Ariel she calls her "The Little Mermaid", and this is how she gets her name.

The lesson that I've learned from this is that love doesn't always apply to the opposite sex like we often portray it to be. Love also applies to your relationship with your friends. One quote that I found very significant from the show was "... the one thing that makes everyone crazy is love...", which was said by Snow White. This quote fits this particular situation because even though Ariel was given the chance to go and find love she still stayed and helped her friend. I think she did it because she loved her friend and seeing her in danger made her crazy enough to help.

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