Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Tree

We are going to start off on Season 3 Episode 1 of the ABC Family original show called "Once Upon A Time". Thus far we have revealed these important parts of the plot....

1. The show takes place in the Enchanted forest. Where everything is magical.
2. The Evil Queen, Regina, seeks revenge on Snow White because when Snow White was a little girl she spilled the beans about Regina being in love with another man, Daniel. Even though Snow's intentions were good and she was just a young girl, Regina blames her for the death of her beloved Daniel. She often refers to this incident as the "secret" that Snow did not keep.
3. Regina's mother, Coral, was a bearer of a dark magic that allowed her to rip the hearts out of a person's body and gain total control of them and what they do.This is how Daniel was killed, Coral ripped his heart out and squeezed it to black dust.
4. The revenge that Regina seeks is her reasoning for casting a dark curse on all of the enchanted forest that puts them in this town called Storybrooke in the real world. This is where they are put in many difficult positions such as not knowing their true identities, forgetting the ones they love, and worst of all living the same life everyday because time is frozen until the savior comes to save them on her 23rd birthday.
5. Snow White met Prince Charming when she ran away from the Evil Queen and ever since then they have been inseparable. They are the main example given for "True Love". Before the curse is cast, Snow gives birth to a baby girl, named Emma, who is sent to the real world through a enchanted wardrobe.
6. Emma gave birth to a baby boy named Henry but gave him up for adoption when he was a newborn because she felt she was not ready to be a parent. This boy is then adopted by Regina, which makes Henry her son also. Henry decides he wants to find his real mom and finds Emma.
7. Henry knows what is going on and he also knows that Regina is the evil queen and Emma is the only savior. He tries to convince Emma that what he says about the Enchanted Forest is true.
8. Emma stays in town and then times is unfrozen. The longer she stays in town the more the town changes. Sooner or later she breaks the curse.
9. Even though the curse is broken nobody is sent back to the enchanted forest, so Regina and a guy named Rumpelstiltskin bring magic to the read world, where the town of Storybrooke faces a lot more challenges.

  One the main morals and lessons displayed in this TV series is love. Love is displayed in many ways. One of which is fear. The photo above has some of the characters who have fallen in love shown above. But one main example of love through fear is Emma. Emma only stays in Storybrooke because she fears what will happen to Henry if she leaves him with Regina any longer. Staying in Storybrooke allows her to meet Mary (Snow White) with whom she begins to love because she has shown a lot of support, - something she has lived and grown up without- love is a big idea in this show as does fear battles with it to make new challenges and brings in more information and characters.

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