Thursday, June 5, 2014

Love frees all, Last Post

The most valued moral; lesson; connection within these individual stories is Love. Love is believed to be the strongest magic of all in these stories. The way each character is presented and represented in the show reveals another way we search for love in the real world. Whether we are searching for love within our community, our family, or within our relationships we still go out of our way for this thing called love. In fact, love is represented in so many ways here in the world of reality. Our music is always connected to love even if its connected to the love of the wrong thing. Our television shows are often connected to love. This show in particular has a very creative way of explaining it. I do very much appreciate and enjoy it. I will continue to watch this show even after this project. It gives me hope and makes me feel like anything is possible. Really stopping to analyze this show and the characters in it has made me realize that everything we do has a lot more meaning to it than we think. I love that I've gotten to see what the directors, writers, and producers were trying to portray when creating such a divine masterpiece.

The quotes below are from the show and I think it would give you viewers a better intake of what I am talking about:

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